Restore the 4!

Let's restore the rare Willamette geared locomotive on display in Port Angeles, Washington!

The much-loved Rayonier #4, a rare geared locomotive built in 1924 by Willamette Iron and Steel in Portland, Oregon, has been on display in Port Angeles since 1960.  She worked for Long-Bell Lumber until 1947, and then for Rayonier Incorporated until she was retired in 1960 and donated to the City of Port Angeles.  She is on display along Lauridsen Boulevard at the corner of Chase Street, where generations of locals and visitors have admired her.  

She received a full restoration and paint job in 1960, just before Rayonier shipped her to Port Angeles.  However, she has been sitting in the open since moving to Port Angeles, and time and the elements have taken their toll.  She has rusted extensively, to the point that she just isn't the proud monument to local timber industry history and heritage that she used to be.  The local community has been seeking opportunities to help restore her for several years, and we are finally able to announce that we're ready to get started!

Phase 2 Fundraising Status:

Restore the 4 Event -- March 30, 3:00 PM, Port Angeles Library

We're hosting an event that many of you have asked for:  Steve Hauff, local historian and expert on the Willamette logging locomotives, will present the history of our locomotive at the Port Angeles Library on Lauridsen Boulevard.  Steve is a great speaker, and you will enjoy his presentation.  He knows the history like no one else!

Following the presentation, you can cross the street to the park where the locomotive sits.  We'll have volunteers onsite to answer questions and (and accept donations, of course).  We're planning to have some merchandise for sale as well.  Here's what I think is the best part: the gate will be open to allow up-close viewing access to the locomotive, so bring your camera!     Here's a ink to the event's flyer.

Latest Update: We're about to send work out for bidding.

We're looking for qualified bidders who would be interested in potentially bidding on the restoration work.   The work involves media blasting, lead paint removal, metal work, and much more, so this is generally beyond the scope of what can be done by a group of volunteers.  If you are interested, please email us or the City Parks and Recreation Department at  We'd like to get interested parties set up as a bidder with the City, and then get the bid package into your hands.


The project is happening in partnership between the City of Port Angeles (through its Parks and Recreation Department) and the local community.  The community efforts are being led by North Olympic Peninsula Railroaders, a local organization dedicated to railroad history.   Other partners, including service clubs and Rayonier Inc., are also joining the project. The work will come in four phases, each with a cost associated with it.  Port Angeles's City Council has allocated funding for the first phase; this project is working to raise funds for the next two phases.  Design work for the final phase has not yet been completed, so the cost for that phase has yet to be determined.  

2 - Restoration

Rust removal, metal repairs, priming, painting, and making the locomotive look like new, and then building a shelter over the top, to protect from the rain.  

The estimated cost for this phase is $250,000

Future Phases / Efforts

3 - Adding a log car

We're currently searching for an appropriate log car to be added behind #4.  We want her to look just like she did when she worked in the forests of western Clallam County!  

The estimated cost for this phase is $50,000.

4 - History Display and Park Improvements

In the final phases of the project, we'll turn the locomotive site into a more functional park (sidewalks, etc) that also tells the story of the Olympic Peninsula's logging heritage.

Costs: to be determined, but the City is actively talking with local organizations who will partner to make it happen.  (Some of these improvements are included in Phase 2 as the shelter is constructed, as well.)

The project will be funded largely through fundraising efforts in the local community.  We urge you to consider a donation (large or small) to help fund the restoration.  Even a few dollars will help!    Note that donations made through the project are made to North Olympic Peninsula Railroaders, which is a qualified 501(c)(3) charitable organization, so your donations may be tax deductible (consult your tax advisor).

Some selected quotes from project supporters:

"I'm so glad to see an interest in fixing this up. My grandpa worked on trains as did his father, so it definitely would great to see it fixed up. " (Port Angeles, WA)

"I saw #4 running in Sekiu, in 1957 and worked at Hoko Camp in 1964."  (Yakima, WA)

"I was born in PA in the 50's. I always love that corner of the roads. Better than a roundabout!"  (California)

"My grandfather was a train engineer for the Shay in Forks and others " (Forks, WA)

"This is an exciting project! You are bringing history alive! A worthy project."  (Miami, FL)

"#4 worked long and hard to make Clallam County prosperous. Lets take care of it so our future kids can see our history." (Sequim, WA)

"Please make this happen. It would be a shame to let this wonderful piece of history disappear."  (Port Angeles, WA)

"I've looked at #4 my whole life and always hoped that she could be dressed up again with a roof over her for at least some protection against the elements. Progress is finally happening and that puts a big ole smile on my face."  (Port Angeles, WA)

"I've loved seeing #4 since I was too young to remember.  So glad it is making a comeback!   (Sequim, WA)

"Cheering you on from the east coast! " (Kernersville, South Carolina)